About Best Senior Living Facilities in Richmond


Best Senior Living Facilities is a website that considers several factors to rank senior living facilities in Richmond, VA. A few of the factors that we take into account when creating our rankings, including the quality of the facilities, the amenities they offer, the staff, and the overall environment. We believe that these rankings provide a valuable service to seniors and their families, as they can use them to make informed decisions about where to live. We update our rankings quarterly, as we believe that this is the best way to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. We believe that our rankings provide a valuable service to seniors and their families, as they can use them to make informed decisions about where to live.

Ranking Methodology

The ranking order for the Top 10 Senior Living Facilities is derived using an algorithm based on the following criteria:

  • Number of residents
  • Turnover rate
  • Staff-to-resident ratio
  • Percentage of residents with dementia
  • Percentage of residents with a mental health diagnosis
  • Percentage of residents with a physical health diagnosis
  • Length of stay
  • Quality of life rating
  • Care rating
  • Cost

While we strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date rankings possible, we cannot guarantee 100% reliability or accuracy of the information presented on this site. The rankings are intended to serve as a useful guide, but should not be the sole basis for making important decisions. We encourage all users to conduct their own research and exercise due diligence to validate the information before making any significant decisions based on the rankings provided.


Organizations must meet the following criteria to qualify for the Best Senior Living Facilities list.



Serving seniors throughout Richmond, VA



An institution has been operating for at least 10 years



A minimum of 100 residents reside at this facility